Saturday 10 November 2007

Close but no cigar (+Vegas)

It never ceases to amaze me how badly some people play poker, especially when they make the effort to travel to a casino and play a £25 double chance tourney (so a total outlay of $100+ to my devoted American readership).

Not huge money to some people maybe, but not exactly micro limits either, but some of the play last night was hilarious.

Best one was possibly the guy with AQs who calls a raise pre-flop OOP, not too horrendous as we were deep stacked and he could obviously get a good flop.

JJx isn't that flop however, yet this clown calls big bets on the flop and K turn to catch runner runner flush to beat AJ and AK. Nice.

Thankfully this fool later gave me lots of those chips with A10 on a K72 flop, rag turn, 10 on river. I had two pair from the BB and bet it all the way :)

A different clown then raised A7 from MP and called my AK re-raise. AQ9 flop, I shove all-in and he gives it the old "I have to call" and doubles me up. Sadly I went out 13th - top 10 paying - with AJ v A7. Flop was 445, turn 5 for a likely split and river 7 LOL.

As for Vegas, the Rio finally got back to me with details of New Year's Eve. Basically $200 to get into the Voodoo Lounge, with packages of $1200upwards to reserve a table.

Not sure what Dave, Sucko and WC plan to do yet, watch this space....

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